Crawick Multiverse 20th March 2016

Sanquhar is famous for its tiny post office (established in 1712) which claims to be the oldest working post office in the world. Coal has also been mined in the Sanquhar area for many years and the open cast mines have left some rather ugly scars on the landscape. However the Duke of Buccleuch has funded a major project in the area that combines both land restoration and art. He asked the famous landscape artist Charles Jencks to design and create the Crawick Multiverse. It has turned what was an eyesore into an outdoor space to be enjoyed by everyone. The Multiverse has areas of grassland, mountain, desert and a gorge and takes you on a journey past galaxies, comets, universes etc. It covers an area of approx. 55 acres and everything on site has been created from materials that were left behind after the mining stopped, including approx. 2000 boulders. Approaching the site there doesn't appear to be anything to...