March wildlife sightings from a garden in Annan.
March has been a mixed month weather-wise. We have had some lovely sunny - dare I say warm - days in the first half of the month but the rain returned, along with cold winds as the month progressed. There has been a busy look about the birds, zipping backwards and forwards across the garden. Mr Blackbird has been very attentive, following Mrs B around wherever she goes. This month's garden max for birds is as follows:- Blackbird - 2 male 2 female Blue tit - 4 Buzzard - 2 Carrion crow - 2 Chaffinch - 1 male 3 female Coal tit - 2 Collared dove - 2 Dunnock - 2 Geese - 400-500 flying over Great tit - 2 House sparrow - 20 male 10 female Jackdaw - 4 Pied wagtail - 2 Robin - 2 Rook - 3 Starling - 60 Woodpigeon - 4 Wren - 1 Yellowhammer - 3 We have seen our first Bumble bees this month. The Queens will be out and about looking for a new nest. They flit about very quickly and it is sometimes difficult to identify the species. We did see a Buff-tailed queen in and out of our crocus, absolut...