Outer Hebrides September 2017

Warning! This account may go on for some time ... remember you can just look at the photos if you click on them! Day 1 (Fri) of our holiday finally dawned - looking bright and sunny. The first rendezvous point with the friends who were coming with us was in the cafe of the Vanishing Willows Garden Centre by the Erskine Bridge, Glasgow. As always the cafe delivered with good food and service. Refreshments over we set off in tandem ... (no pun intended but you will see why I say that later!) ... crossing over the bridge and heading for Loch Lomond. She looked serene and idyllic as we drove along the shore, negotiating the bends and oncoming traffic. We were making good time until just before Crianlarich when we began to notice signs in the verge announcing a cycle race today. No problem you might think but the ride that day was travelling via Crianlarich and Glencoe to Fort William - just as we were planning to do!! We soon began to meet cyclists - it is quite a wide road ...