Train ride to Edinburgh
More free tickets from Scotrail and we decide to travel to Edinburgh on the new Borders line from Tweedbank for a trip around the city on a Hop on Hop off bus. This time friends Keith and Margaret invited us to stay over with them in Hawick so we could get away a bit earlier and they would join us for a day out. We also decided to call and see a friend from Val’s school days who also lives in the Hawick area. The weather was not good as we headed to Hawick but after an hour we were off the beaten track searching for a hidden cottage in the middle of nowhere. After a good catch up of over 40 years of news we mentioned our trip on the train and were surprised to find that Ashley had written a book about the rebirth of the Borders Line. Another move to our hosts for the evening and ready for an early-ish start. With Tweedbank being a new station, it has been built on the outskirts of the town with plenty of space for a 600 space car park. However, these soon fill up and sure en...