Strathclyde to Dundee 18th - 21st May 2018

Well, we are off on our adventures again! This time the weather looks to be set fair - if not hot - for the whole weekend. Annan to Hawick, where we were to pick up our "chauffeur-driven transport," was a very pleasant ride in the morning sun. Our friends were taking us in their car on this trip so Peter was being a passenger rather than a driver after Hawick - something he isn't used to being! Day 1 - Friday We were aiming for Dawyck Gardens, near Peebles, as our first stop. Dawyck is one of the regional gardens of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and is home to some of Britain's oldest and tallest trees. The garden covers 65 acres with woodland and burnside walks and seasonal displays of plants and flowers. A beautiful day to wander around the grounds following the paths and mown grass walkways. Many of the the trees were very impressive specimens. It was also a good time of year to see their spring flowering plants ... but there was pl...