Floral Favourites Jan 2016

Have decided to keep a record of the floral highlights of our garden from month to month as this year progresses. Obviously this is going to take a lot of observation, and then remembering to then write it up! We'll have to see how my memory holds up, but here goes. January 2016 We have had a very mild and wet autumn/winter so far with very few frosty nights, and only one significant fall of snow. As a result there are many plants looking much healthier than they should be at this time of year! Polyanthus and primula have been flowering all through autumn/winter and the pink, red and yellow blooms really cheered up the dismal, dark days. Unfortunately the birds seem to like them too - there have been bits of leaf all over the path some days after they have been pecking at the nice new green shoots. I notice the purple globular primulas are pushing through the ground too. I have also had cowslips flowering just outside the conservatory door, just where I can...