Newbie 15th January 2016

A beautiful sunny day today after a very sharp frost last night. Everywhere and everything was white this morning - remember the days when windows had frosty patterns on them when you got up in the morning? Well, it was one of those! The sort of day to encourage us outside, and it didn't take much encouragement as it has been so wet and miserable lately we haven't been going very far at all! Well wrapped up with lots of layers to keep out the cold and off we went.
The shore at Newbie was our destination - not far from home but always something to see. Looking around as we arrived the sun was shining and the sky was blue. The moon was even visible too!
(I'm a poet and I didn't know it!)
Can you spot the moon?
Snow was visible on Criffel, a local hill overlooking the Solway coastline.
We had a bracing walk along the shore, only meeting one other person on the way. There were hundreds of scallop shells on the beach today, many broken but we did find some complete specimens.
There were plenty of birds to be seen on the shore - and in the water - today. Oystercatcher, mallard, redshank, curlew, ringed plover to name just a few favourites seen today.
Photos courtesy of
Lots of other natural specimens to be found today too.
The sun began to disappear unfortunately.... time to go home.
As we travelled past local fields that were still flooded with water - albeit frozen today - there were hundreds of birds just too far away to see with the naked eye. While pausing to look through the binoculars a kestrel then suddenly frightened hundreds of lapwing and golden plover into flight. We have always loved watching lapwings swooping through the sky but the numbers today were more than we had seen for a long time. The golden plovers were beautiful too showing their white underbellies but then sparking like diamonds in the sun. 
Photos courtesy of
We really enjoyed our wander today and are really looking forward to better weather - SOON!!


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