Dunfermline and Perth Jan 2018

A short break towards the end of January seemed a good idea until Scotland had the very thick snow falls of Jan 2018! Luckily a few days before we set off the weather improved greatly, although rain was forecast. We met sunshine and rain - and therefore a rainbow - as we travelled across the new Queensbury Crossing. Brill. On reaching Dunfermline we found our way to Pittencrief Park. A fantastic park right in the centre of Dunfermline, bought and donated to the people by Andrew Carnegie. The park includes a rugged area called the Glen, the original site of Malcolm's Tower, the remains of which can be seen today on an outcrop of rock as you pass through the park. There were numerous squirrels running about - obviously well used to being fed by visitors. Delightful to see but we are used to red squirrels rather than grey! To the side of the park is Dunfermline Palace and Abbey, which is where we then headed. Of the monastery there are ruined walls and windows but they give...