New Year 2018

Our New Year was to be celebrated further north, near Oban. The journey there gave us some beautiful sights ....

While in the area we visited Fort William and decided to take the scenic route back to Taynuilt - via Glencoe and Glen Orchy. Not the best conditions as we travelled  through the snowstorm but exciting all the same!

Having had some heavy showers of rain over the next few days there was water everywhere! New Years Eve gave us a short window of dry weather to go for a quick wander.

The amount of water around then led us to go looking for waterfalls - one in particular which we thought would be rather full. Well we were not disappointed - it as as full of water as we had rarely seen and the sound was awesome ...

Going home after New Year was quite interesting weather-wise too. We began in drizzly rain, then met a snow-storm...

... eventually heading into clearer weather as we neared home.
It's true what they say about Scottish weather - it can change from one minute to the next!


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