June's wildlife sightings from a garden in Annan

This is our monthly max for birds in the garden during June.
Blackbird - 2 male, 1 female, 3 young
Blue tit - 2
Buzzard - 2
Carron crow - 1
Coal tit - 1
Collared dove - 2
Dunnock - 1 adult, 1 young
Goldfinch - 3 (not seen these for ages)
House sparrow - our usual total of 40-50 adults and several babies, including one that had come into our conservatory and had to be removed!
Jackdaw - 1
Rook - 1
Starling - 16 adults, 4 young
Swallow - 2 (they nest in a building over the other side of our hedge)
Swift - 20 (swooping backwards and forwards in front of our house presumably after flies)
Wood pigeon - 2
Young Starling
We've not seen our baby Great Tits since they fledged and we assume the baby sparrows we have seen to be the ones nesting above our garage, although we didn't see them fledge. We have had only 5 seven spot ladybirds as our max this month along with 22 Small White butterflies and  Gorse Shield Bugs. The cold weather so far this year has a lot to answer for!
Poplar Hawk Moth
However things have improved on the moth front. We have put traps out 6 times this month catching only 2 moths at the beginning of the month, but improving to 114 moths on the 30th June. We are currently standing at 56 species for the year. As July is usually our busiest month for moths we are definitely looking forward to next month!
The following are moths new to our garden this year.

Bordered Sallow, Spruce Carpet, Small Yellow Wave and Small Elephant Hawk Moth

Green Silver Lines, Pale-Shouldered Brocade and Purple Clay


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