Floral Favourites Sept 2016

The first half of the month consisted of many muggy days and nights. There wasn't always necessarily a lot of sunshine - in fact there were plenty of showers - but it was very warm! 
The clearing up in the garden and the greenhouse continued around the still - flowering specimens. The Kaffir lilies are beginning to flower nicely. They are such a nice sight towards the end of the season. We have red and pink ones, in their delicate shades of colour.
The red leaves of the photinia are looking really vibrant this year too.
I have trimmed back many of the perennial plants, including the buddleias. Plants in the wild area have also been cut back.The sweet peas got blown over in some strong winds, but they were setting seeds as I couldn't keep up with cutting off the dead flowers. Some of the plants trimmed back last month have regrown and some are looking to flower again! Centurea, oriental poppies and astrantia are all blooming again and the roses have never stopped!
Seedlings found along the way have been potted up for future use and cuttings taken of lavender and sage have been potted on. There are so many bees and flies etc still around the garden at the end of September. Lovely to see. We have seen many Silver Y moths around the garden too on the still warm days, and also a few nettle tap moths.
In the middle of the month we had some unexpectedly hot weather for September, although the nights are beginning to draw in. The evenings are becoming cooler - we have even had condensation on the outside of the conservatory windows in the morning! However some plants look really good with water droplets on them.
But we have had some spectacular sunsets this month!
The weather is keeping many flowers blooming - the fuschias are spectacular this year - or is that just because they are one of my favourite flowers??
Days are shortening, leaves are falling, drifting in the air,
Colours changing, flowers fading, trees will soon be bare,
Weather’s changing, nights are cooling, clocks go back anon,
Blooming borders, crowded pots, not long before they’re gone,
Refill the pots, plant bulbs galore, look forward to the spring,
Plan next year’s garden, order the seeds and wait for the postman’s ring!


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