Field trip to Moffat reserves 30 July 2015

Six intrepid explorers took advantage of a better weather forecast to descended upon the Moffat Community Reserves. We were meeting up with Mark Pollitt of DGERC hoping that during our wander he would be able to identify any wildlife we discovered.

The first 100yds was the slowest as every footstep disturbed froglets, moths, butterflies, damselflies and dragonflies.

We were pleased to see many bees buzzing around.

Further on we were able to dismiss a lot of things because we had already seen and identified them.

Mark gave us background information and hints to aid identification. This was especially useful for damselflies and Alder galls.

After an enjoyable break for a picnic lunch, we headed to the second reserve which has different habitats. We found more birdlife on this site but too quick for photographs.

Some examples of fungi were found

and the more mature trees also showed signs of galls on the Alder.
Time for a quick cuppa and scone before leaving for home


  1. Hi both, we did have a good day. I think everyone enjoyed the Moffat reserve. Mark being with us was a big bonus! Good pictures thanks. Stan & Dorinda


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