Bluebells, bluebells and more bluebells Wed 11th May 2016

May and bluebells go together for us. I have always loved spring flowers - I think it is the new life emerging after the winter and the joy in seeing the first flowers. So finding one of the best sites for bluebells in the UK in Dumfries and Galloway was a real bonus. It is now an annual trip to Carstramon Wood near Gatehouse of Fleet. Carstramon is one of the largest broad-leaved woodlands in the area so it is worth it at any time of year to see some of the majestic old trees. The oak trees were once used for making charcoal and supplying the local mill with bobbins.
We have to judge when to go to see the bluebells, sometimes we have been just too early, sometimes the sun isn't shining or it has rained recently and it is wet underfoot but this year I think we got it exactly right. The bluebells were fully out, the sun was shining (although there was a breeze to keep us cool) and the paths were dry.
At the entrance to the wood there are often a few cars parked but we rarely meet more than a coupe of people as we wander around. The wood is big enough to accommodate many people without bumping into each other at every step. The people we do meet are usually in awe of their surroundings and can't believe what they are seeing.
The board at the entrance explains that the Scottish Wildlife Trust look after the wood and gives a little information about it and what you might see on your walk.
We did see female pied flycatchers and wood warblers yesterday as we wandered through the wood. The sound of birds singing was a very pleasing accompaniment to our walk. We stood for ages watching the wood warbler flying from tree to tree, watching his distinctive flight. Almost got a photo of him (or her) but it was really much too quick for us!

But to get back to the bluebells... the sight of them and the smell as we walked through them was overpowering. They are everywhere, like blue snow in every direction you look. So here is our wander through the wood.
I stopped to take a 360° video on my phone - hardly knew where to start and/or stop!
There is a seat just here - no better view while eating lunch on a day like today.
We only covered a small area - there are lots more bluebells to look at, and smell, in the rest of the wood. Just a shame that you can't take the scent of the bluebells home with you. Someone needs to invent a camera that can record the smells as well as the sights. We'd buy one!!


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