Moth trapping at Williamwood Farm 21 July 2016

Our local Natural History Group had been to Williamwood for a visit on a lovely summer evening, and we had taken our moth traps to set out afterwards. Michael and Shirley had invited us on a couple of previous occasions to moth trap on their farm and it had been a while since we last tried. Visiting was therefore an ideal opportunity to have another go! We have four traps - 2 run on batteries and 2 on mains electricity. On a warm, still evening we were going to put out all 4 traps around the farm. The 2 battery traps were set on the edge of a wood, and by a railway bridge on a disused track. The mains traps were both set within a newly planted wood with a thick undergrowth of grasses, wild flowers, reeds and rushes. It was getting towards 10pm by the time we put out the last trap and we could already see moths fluttering about. As tempting as it was to stay and catch some with a net, we went home. Many more were attracted by the car lights as we drove home...