The WildBunch visit Williamwood Farm

Michael Clarke had told members about his style of farming when he came to talk to the group earlier in the year. We were pleased to accept the invitation to have a tour around the farm, see the Nature Trails and some of the livestock.
Luckily the weather stayed fine for us and a special executive trailer was provided for those who would struggle walking round the Nature Trails.
The remaining visitors started their wander along farm tracks and through newly planted woods towards the nature trail loch.
We then returned to the farm buildings to meet up with the special passenger trailer for a guided tour along further tracks and into fields where we met up with Highland Ponies, Highland Cattle and other crossbreeds from the herd.
We were then treated to more close up views of Shirley's Highland Ponies in the farmyard
 Now back at base we were treated to refreshments and a chance to chat informally with our hosts. Many thanks were given to Michael and Shirley for the evening, they had given us a fantastic insight into their enthusiasm for all activities on the farm.


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