Floral Favourites June 2016

There was fantastic weather at the beginning of the month - quite a heatwave. The sun has been shining and encouraging the faces of many flowers to smile. There has been an explosion of colour in the garden and there are more and more flowers to look at all the time. They are of every colour in the rainbow.
Some flowers make great clumps of colour - such as the geraniums and chives. Like the sage they attract bees galore on a sunny day. Others are more subtle with their individual blooms, like the paeony.
The foxgloves have been reaching up to great heights this year and several plants together make a lovely sight. They seed themselves around the garden too. The oriental poppies have had huge blooms this year too, looking great with their black velvet centres.
The warm weather has meant lots of beautiful scents around the garden too, especially in the evenings. Our dwarf lilac has been especially "smelly" as we walk past it, and the roses are coming into their own. It has led to the use of some of the petals in Rose Petal Syrup, which I have not made recently. It really tastes and smells of roses and is delicious on ice cream!

Although they are not actually in our garden, we have also collected elderflower blooms to make Elderflower Cordial this year. We find this a very refreshing drink on hot summer days, and have even been out and bought a Black Elder (which has pink flowers) to plant in the garden.
June is red, yellow, pink and green,
The colours of the rainbow are there to be seen.
In all its shades - orange, purple and blue,
Wherever you look - in every hue.
A sea of colour, a hum of bees
The sights and scents cannot fail to please!
Great clumps of flowers looking their best,
This year they've certainly passed the test.
Then - at last - the rain descended,
Our mini drought, in June, was ended!


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