Butterflies at Birkshaw Forest 31 July 2016

Butterfly Conservation have an annual visit to the region to check on the Essex Skipper population in Birkshaw Forest. The weather forecast was for sunshine and showers so we set off with fingers crossed that the showers would stay away and the butterflies would fly.
When the grey clouds parted the intrepid spotters were treated to glimpses of butterflies (and Moths!) on the wing but conditions meant there were not the prolific numbers we would expect at this time of year.
One or two of the species cooperated and landed in convenient locations to be photographed or inspected more closely.
The Peacock Butterfly sat still and the lizard was a bonus.
Ragwort had a few 6 spot Burnet moths and numerous juicy caterpillars of the Cinnabar Moth.
We managed to catch a Skipper or two
and confirmed that the Essex Skipper is still in the location.
We were pleased to find a few other things on our wander and after a break for lunch we all dispersed before the afternoon showers arrived.


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