30 days Wild June 2018 Week 4

Well, we were right not to be too optimistic about the moth traps - only 51 moths. The weather looks better for Day 22 of the last full week of 30 Days Wild - the sun is shining but there is still a breeze, but definitely not as strong as it has been!  Still some nice moths to be seen.

Pot beetles are very rare in Scotland and last year we went on a survey looking for them on the only site they are known at in this country. Day 23 was the date of this years survey and the day dawned sunny and warm. Having found the beetles last year we were very optmistic as we set off with the rest of the small group of volunteers and experts. However luck was not with us this year! We found lots of other beetles, moths and insects but no sign of the pot beetle. It was still an enjoyable time and as we live close by the site we can go back and have another look in the next couple of weeks.

On Day 24 we had a trip out. We went to Lowther Castle to the Plant Fair they were holding and to see some of the summer flowers in the gardens. Their rose garden is in the process of being rebuilt and the plans were there for people to look at. We look forward to seeing it when it is finished. Their wild flower meadows were looking good and the gardens have really filled out since our last visit.

After walking around the gardens and the fair we set off home but took a slight detour to visit the village of Armathwaite. Over the weekend several gardens here were open to the public. A lot of hard work had gone into all the gardens - whether large or small - and the owners were on hand to answer any questions. Sunshine always make the gardens look better but the roasting temperatures made walking around them hard going!

With the extreme temperatures we have been getting during the day it means the nights are very warm too - ideal moth- ing weather. The traps went out again tonight.
We have been getting some moths in excellent condition over the last few trappings and last night was no exception so Day 25 began with moths again.

We have been watching the insects and bugs flying around the garden in this beautiful weather and wondering what they are called. Well today, on Day 26 we invested in a new app for our phones called Insect ID. You take a photograph of the insect and it then analyzes your photo and suggests what it might be! Sounds good eh? If it gives us the family of insects to look into later we will be happy. Just need to try it out with some that we know and see how well it does! Just been out into the garden and couldn't find much to take a photo of - must be the heat causing the insects to hide away too.
Day 27 should have been our Walk & Talk session today - however, walking in 30° heat did not seem a very good idea, so we cancelled today. Instead we took our moth traps to a friends garden, who is developing an interest in moth trapping, to set them tonight. Although she lives in the same town as us she lives down by the Solway Firth - so a different habitat.
Another hot day for Day 28 dawned but our friend has a large beech tree which was ideal for standing under while emptying traps. It was a really good catch, with 140 moths in the traps. There were some different moths caught at this location than we catch at home so an interesting time was had. It is always nice to see some different moths.

Had a chance to use our new insect app today too - the app confirmed we had caught an ichneumon fly! Don't know the exact name for it but ichneumon fly was near enough for us!


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