Many more birds in the garden again this month, with both great tits back - and looking in the nest box! It has been lovely to hear the robin singing every day and watching us weeding and disturbing the soil. It is nice to see several young birds still flying about with adults. The sight of 4 buzzards hovering over the garden was great. photo from Wikepedia They were riding the thermals and circling round and round for ages. On the last day of the month we also heard - and then saw - a great flock of geese, presumably returning from their summer homes. The sound was here well before the birds and a sign that autumn is truly upon us. Local wildlife sights have also been reporting influxes of geese and whooper swans. Our monthly max for birds in the garden is as follows: Blackbird - 2 male, 4 young Blue tit - 3 Buzzard - 4 Chaffinch - 1 female Coal tit - 1 adult, 2 young Collared dove - 2 Dunnock - 2 Goose - 75+ Goldfinch - 4 adult, 3 young Great tit - 2 House sparrow -...