Autumn Ride 19th Oct 2016

On a sunny October day we set off to look for Autumn colour. We went past  the Devil's Beeftub looking at the beautiful double rainbow that suddenly appeared over the hills and watching the skeins of geese crossing the sky in front of us.
We headed for Talla Reservoir, just outside Tweedsmuir, in the Borders.
A lovely stretch of water with some very autumnal- looking hills.
As we moved on past Megget Water the weather deteriorated and it got very misty.
A quick stop at St Mary's Loch and we then headed off towards Ettrick. The autumnal trees and the hills on the way were looking superb ...
The road to Ettrick is just a single road with passing places and very few houses - but spectacular scenery.

Returning via Eskdalemuir, the sun re-appeared and the clouds and the sky looked fantastic.
A wonderful drive in a season that is giving us some lovely colour this year.


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