Big Water of Fleet 04/10/16

Having visited Raider's Road quite frequently, we often wondered where the dismantled railway track that we follow would eventually lead to. A look at the map showed it went to Gatehouse Station via the Big Water of Fleet viaduct.
So with fine weather forecast, we headed out to investigate further.
We took a more scenic route via Laurieston, Knocktinkle and Carstramon. We were rewarded with sightings of Red Squirrels and Red Kites along the way.
We have visited here before but never ventured over the structure.
A quick lunch with visit from an inquisitive Robin and sheep with rather large horns and we were ready to set off.
There is an easy ascent to the track level and we headed to the bridge and its views.
There were a few low growing fungi in the grass on the track.
Climbing stiles is not the easiest task these days but at least the main route is level.
This was a good opportunity to take photos of the Water of Fleet from a different vantage point.

Unfortunately, when we reached the other side, the track was very overgrown and we decided that we wouldn't see much through the dense bushes and shrubs. So we returned the way we'd come and headed to another point on the map where it looked as if we could access the old railway track.
Thwarted again, the track below Gatehouse station was again very overgrown but the forestry tracks did lead past some ponds and we spotted Black Darters.
We headed home back along the scenic route again and were treated to further views of Red Squirrels and the Red Kites.
 In places, the avenues of trees  were stunning and it reminded us that there are walks in the Laurieston Forest which we haven't explored . . . . YET!!



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