A Wander near Talla Reservoir

Having been told about this place by two people Val & I decided that, as the weather was going to be fine for the Bank Holiday, we would check it out.
Travelling from Moffat along the A701 there is a small right turn at Tweedsmuir which leads to St Mary's Loch. It passes alongside Talla reservoir and Megget reservoir. However, we were told that there are parking spaces at the end of Talla reservoir before the steep rise out of the valley.

A track runs up alongside Games Hope Burn. It follows the burn rising and undulating in places and has many opportunities for watching the bird life.
The track above Games Hope Burn
We spotted many Pied Wagtails and Grey Wagtails. There were a few Common Sandpipers and Wheatears with the usual abundance of Chaffinches. Skylarks were also seen in the fields. A few Oystercatchers and a female Goosander were seen near the water.



 The hillside along the waterside is currently being planted with thousands of tree saplings by the Border Forest Trust as they try to regenerate forests to a more natural state. This region is their latest acquisition as they link to their Wildwood at Carrifran.

 The track runs alongside the water for a short while.

Dandelions and daisies were visible as we began our walk but apart from one small clump of violets it was still too early for much of the flora. One exception was a beautiful bank of primroses on the other side of the water.

It was  a very pleasant walk along the track perhaps next time we will go further!
Looking back down stream
(the hillside in the distance is the one being replanted by Border Forest Trust)


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