Bluebells at Carstramon Wood Wed 20th May 2015

The weatherman assured us it was going to be a lovely day so we decided to go and see the bluebells. We go every year at this time of year as the sight and smell of them is just overpowering. Even the verges as we got close were full of bluebells and we began to get excited. There is only a small lay-by for 3 cars but there was already one car parked there and others on the verges too.

Many of the trees are looking green and fresh but others are still to reach their best.

The bluebells are everywhere - just like a sea of blue. The smell is fantastic but I think they still need a few more days to be at their best.

After an initial focus on the bluebells, we began to notice other flora and fauna too.
The Dor beetle is an amazing colour on the underside.

Unfortunately this was a dead specimen


We did see a couple of moths and a few other flying insects but most of them wouldn't sit still long enough for a photo.

A real treat was to see 2 Early Purple Orchids.

However, we were there to see the bluebells, so here are a few more!




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