Members sightings and stories

Wildlife sightings and stories from members this month included:

Dunnock nest has been raided twice of it's eggs - the culprits have now been identified as Crows seen returning to the scene of the crime hoping for more.
A camera nest box was showing great progress as House Sparrows built a nest. However, one night/morning the camera showed that ALL the nesting material had been removed with no evidence of spillage anywhere. Culprits are still unknown!
Barn owls have been seen swooping on fly past.
Bats have been spotted during evenings as street lights come on - are they searching for moths? But no moths have been spotted.
General reports of lots of bees about.

Reported from Annan were sightings of Great tits feeding young in nest box.
House Sparrows taking nesting material into garage roof.
Swifts, Swallows and House Martins are swooping everywhere now.
Moth trapping has resulted in a big fat zero so far!

A report of the monthly meeting will follow shortly.


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