30 Days Going Wild - Day 18

June 18th
Going Wild today was a bioblitz at the local RSPB reserve. Moth traps had been set overnight so we got there early to see the catch. There were some spectacular moths, some of which we had never seen before. The fox moth stayed all day on the fleece of the RSPB helper!
After sorting the moths, we spent a while watching the birds from within the Visitor Centre. There were greenfinches, goldfinches, yellowhammers, chaffinches, great tits and sparrows on the feeders.
Time then to go for a wander and see what else we could find. The sun came out and the temperature increased quite dramatically as we walked along one of the avenues. It was literally humming  - with the sound of bees. Fantastic to hear!
We spotted our first Ringlets and Large Skippers of the year as we walked - it took ages to get a photograph!
We sat in the hide to have our lunch watching a Painted Lady fluttering around the empty pools. Not having had any rain for about a month the pools had all dried up. Not a sight we see in Scotland very often!! The Painted Lady was only visible through the binoculars - so no photo.
Many other experts - in wild flowers, mammals, bats etc were at the bioblitz today and will be there again tomorrow. It will be interesting to see the final count of different species seen over the 2 days.


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