30 Days Going Wild - Day 4

June 4th
Our Going Wild activity today was to take part in the Garden Bioblitz 2016. We have takn part in this for the last 2 years and it gives us a chance to find out in good detail what lives in our garden.For the Bioblitz you have to go out at different times of day (over a 24 hour period) and see what you can find. They encourage people to take lots of photographs and then upload details of what has been seen onto their recording website - iRecord. You don't even need any special wildlife skills - if you upload photos they will help identify them!
We began with a bird watch while having our breakfast. The weather was cloudy this morning but we could still see bees buzzing backwards and forwards. However by lunchtime the weather had improved and this afternoon was hot and sunny and the sun shone well into the evening. we spent our time going in and out of the house, just looking carefully at bushes, trees and plants to see what we could find.
The moth trap went on as part of the bioblitz - here are a few that arrived before we went to bed!


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