30 Days Going Wild - Day 2

June 2nd
With beautiful weather forecast it had to be the beach today. Carrick is a beautiful sandy beach and with the tide out there would be plenty of room to investigate the rocks and pools.
Sun hats and shorts were the order of the day until we reached the beach, when wellies were donned.
Collection bags were at the ready and off we went. The dry sand on the beach was soon replaced by wet as we headed for the rocks. We saw numerous discarded crab shells as we walked and then someone spotted a live one. Hiding among the seaweed he was a good size.
Then suddenly tiny crabs were everywhere, scuttling sideways before burying themselves in the sand.
Among the rocks were thousands of mussels who had attached themselves to the rocks and were being covered themselves by barnacles.

Anemones were numerous too. Those out of the water were obviously only blobs but those in the pools were much more interesting.
Limpets, periwinkles, cone shells and razor shells were all found and inspected as we worked our way along the rocks.
Crossing the bay we spotted thousands of worm casts, even seeing a few spitting the sand out as we passed. Walking back to the beach we spotted more shells and rock pools. They all had to be inspected - after all you never know what you might find!


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