30 Days Going Wild - Day 28

June 28th
The weather forecast is not looking too good for the next few days so last night was a chance to put out moth traps. The wind dropped during the evening and when we went outside to see what moths were about, at about 11pm, it was very still and quite pleasant. We spent about an hour trapping moths as they fluttered around the night sky before leaving them to it.
Come this morning we went to see what else was in the traps. Looking very grey, we emptied the traps in the garage, expecting rain at any moment. (actually it didn't come until the middle of the afternoon!)
We had a few firsts for the year last night...
Barred Straw
Beautiful Golden Y
Bright-line Brown-eye
Dot Moth
Peach Blossom
Riband Wave
Single Dotted Wave
Small Fan Foot
... and one of my favourites....
Common Emerald


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