30 Days Going Wild - Day 16

June 16th
We run a Natural History Group locally, known as the Wild Bunch (how appropriate!) and the third Thursday of the month is our regular evening for meetings. This month, as the Big Butterfly Count is coming up, we had arranged for a speaker to tell us all about butterflies, especially the ones we might see locally.
Mark is the manager of our local Environmental Resources Centre and has been to talk to us before. He is a very good speaker and everyone says they always learn something new from him.
His talk recapped the basics of the butterfly life cycle before telling us something about Skippers, Whites, Browns, Fritillaries, Coppers and Blues.
photos from NE Wildlife
He showed us photos of each species, as well as telling us the habitat they like, the best features to use for identification and where and when to see them locally.
A very interesting and informative evening with everyone wishing they could see them all in real life rather than just on a screen.
Photos from NE Wildlife


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