30 Days Going Wild - Day 1

June 1st
Grandchildren have come to visit for next few days so moth traps were on last night to provide our first Going Wild activity this morning. Moths have been slow appearing this year - despite the warmer days we have been getting over the last few weeks. Overnight it has still been quite chilly at times so catches have not been very big. The previous trap to this one was our biggest catch of the year so far, with a total of 31 moths of 23 different species.
Oliver and Faye had helped put the traps out and were excited to see if there was anything in them. Well they were not disappointed - 39 moths of 16 different species. Love the face of a Spectacle Moth!
Others included Grey Dagger, Small Square Spot, Buff Ermine and Brimstone
There were also Heart and Dart, Flame Shoulder, Scalloped Hazel and Large Yellow Underwing.
Later in the morning we then set off to go to a forest - as requested by Oliver. We chose Mabie Forest just outside Dumfries to visit. Although the sun wasn't shining initially it was a nice wander through the trees. A stonefly in the car park before we even set off was a good start!
Young children are always good at spotting things along the way and we had taken a bucket and bags with us for any "finds" as well as binoculars and cameras. "Be prepared" was our motto for the day!
Oliver had been reading an I-Spy book before our walk so we were on the look out for certain things - including bluebells, wild garlic, a stream and a butterfly. Their eyes were peeled and we set off through the trees. Faye became very adept at spotting beetles on the ground of which we saw quite a lot.
Spiders webs, holes in trees that might be homes for mice - or fairies! - leaves, slugs (yuk!) the odd Common Carpet moth, all kept us entertained as we walked around. Sticks and fir cones were collected and items to tick off in the I-Spy book were noted, and the prospect of lunch and then time in the playground kept us going until we got back to the car park.
Lunch that they had prepared themselves was taken to a picnic table as the sun was now appearing. Oliver was moaning about the fact that he had forgotten to bring his football with him and there was plenty of grass around for playing football on when we spotted someone he knew! As Oliver was over 100 miles from home this was quite a surprise! Finding out that Daniel was actually in the same class as Oliver was even more amazing!! Daniel and his family were staying in the area on holiday but what a coincidence to meet someone from your class! - and Daniel had a football with him!
Another hour quickly passed with the football and the playground taking centre stage.
A wild time, on our first Going Wild Day, was had by all.
There was only one way to end the day....
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