30 Days Going Wild - Day 20

June 20th
I went to the greenhouse this morning to find an explosion of lettuce! We grow pick and come again lettuces, picking leaves as we need them but we obviously haven't been picking enough.
My Going Wild activity today was therefore decided for me - Lettuce Soup.
I picked over 1lb of lettuce leaves - and that is a lot of lettuce leaves when you think how much a leaf weighs!
The recipe is one I've used many times before, and lettuce soup is one of our favourites. The recipe came from a Reader's Digest book called Food From Your Garden which we bought many,  many years ago.
Blanching the lettuce
Add stock, seasoning, onion and basic white sauce
Cook gently for a few minutes
After whizzing with a blender you are left with a delicious soup - which we freeze in individual portions for use during the winter.
Just to round off the day we then went to set our moth traps in a new venue. A local farmer and his wife gave us their permission to set traps around their farm. Can't wait until tomorrow morning when we go and see what is in the traps!


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