Day 23 - 30 Days Wild Project

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside.......
It was such a beautiful day the seaside seemed to be a great idea!

It was so-oh busy we weren't sure if we could even get onto the beach - but luckily we managed it.Here are a few collages of some of the things we found.



Can you see the fish and the shrimp?


We had a lovely time pottering around the rocks and rock pools in the sunshine.

Views from the beach
And what do you have to have on a sunny afternoon at the seaside?????
There was no ice-cream van in sight so we just had to go to........ Rainton farm, home of...

Once there it was decision time -which one of their 30 flavours of ice cream would we have? With the decision made we headed off for a short walk around the pond and surrounding area.

Everywhere looked lush and green - it really felt like summer was here today!


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