Day 7 - 30 Days Wild project at Williamwood Farm Open Farm Sunday


We had set 4 moth traps last night and went to the farm at the crack of 9 o'clock to retrieve the traps with fingers crossed for some success.

We set up a stall in the Bull Pen using Butterfly Conservation displays and leaflets before checking the traps to see what we'd found.

There were a few single moths but luckily a Poplar Hawk Moth which would be good for showing visitors in the afternoon.

Once set up, and after a break for a lovely cup of coffee (thanks to the hospitality at the farm), we took advantage of the nature trails around the farm.

Michael & Shirley are trying to farm using methods that are friendly to wildlife.


They have built lochs and hides, installed signposts and information boards and planted trees and wildflower meadows.

Whilst on the trail the sun came out and the extra warmth brought out a few Damselflies and Butterflies. We even managed to photograph a few!

The cattle in one of the fields seemed to sense that something was going on around the farm and started a game where they would approach us then lose their bottle and race back. A bit like the children's game of What's the Time Mr Wolf?

To find if their methods are having an effect on wildlife they need people to carry out surveys of Bats, Moths, Birds, etc. Which is where we became involved to trap a few moths.

As the weather warmed up a lot of visitors swarmed to the farm and took part in viewing the farm animals,

and taking advantage of the farm tour on a tractor trailer.

It was good to meet up with friends old and new from various wildlife organisations as we gave information to the hundreds of interested visitors.


  1. Great idea! I'm enjoying seeing what you are going each day.

    1. It might not be EVERY day once June is over !!


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