Day 3 - 30 Days Wild project

A short post today as most of it was spent gardening and taking advantage of some comparatively fine weather.

Cutting the grass doesn't sound like a 'Going Wild' activity but from the photos below you'll see that I leave a section of the grass to 'Go Wild' and see what wild grasses, plants and bugs will do if the grass is left to it's own devices!! It was inspired by the RSPB project called 'Say no to Mow!'

Then this evening we attended a local group meeting (Gretna General Interest Group) where the speaker for the night (who had been booked by me!) was talking about Climate Change and the species of birds and plants we might expect to gain (and lose!) if the temperatures rise and things start to move North. Informative talk and very interesting discussions followed.

Busy day tomorrow but we'll try to fit something in!!


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