Day 27 - 30 Days Wild project

On looking out if the window this morning it looked as if it might be a nice day - so gardening seemed to be the order of the day. As the morning wore on it got warmer and warmer and the busy day we had yesterday, along with the weeding and planting, began to take its toll. We knew of a Walled Garden that was having an Open Day this afternoon, so the decision was made! Flask was filled, biscuits and cameras packed and off we went.

Shambellie Walled Garden is in New Abbey and was abandoned in the 1960's but then restored in 2005. Sadly it has recently closed again for a variety of reasons but was open to the public today.We have visited it at other times and really enjoyed the garden and bought some lovely plants.
Approaching the garden through the trees is a lovely start to the visit...

...this little face seemed to be welcoming us into the garden

... and then, there it is in all it's glory!

We had a lovely wander around the garden in beautiful sunshine admiring the fantastic display of plants.

The garden was also full of insects today - they were everywhere, on every plant! I don't think we've seen as many insects on so many plants this year.

Cups of tea were provided for visitors, which was a welcome respite from the heat as they were served under a gazebo in the shade! A quiet few minutes drinking tea and admiring the plants from our seats was a great end to our visit to Shambellie Walled Garden.


  1. I've enjoyed reading about all your recent rambles. Sorry to have missed out on Shambellie although I have been before - getting home at 00.30 on Sunday and friends here until 11.00 didn't make it possible. I would LOVE to know how you have put your collages together - that's exactly what I have been hoping to do.

    1. Used free version from Fotor for the collages - as I am on Windows used the Fotor for Windows version, sure there will be others if you are not on Windows.


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