Day 12 - 30 Days Wild project

Start of the day we emptied the moth traps from last night and for the first time this year we had quite a few to identify. Some will be taken to the Bioblitz at Caerlaverock tomorrow as they are such good specimens.

The stars will be the Elephant Hawk moths as they are large and colourful. However, for the experts it will be the Bordered Sallow because this is quite rare in Dumfries & Galloway.

Because the hot weather was set to continue today (and we can't stand it too hot!) we decided to go the Raiders Road in the Galloway Forest Park where there might also be some shade. We stopped off firstly at the Otters Pool to have lunch and take in the sights.

We searched for the 3 Rosnes Benches which are located in the trees here. For more details of these benches click here. Val can be seen resting on the bench back left.

We did pick up a few pine cones to fill another section of our big bug box at home.

These are some of the views and wildlife from around the site.


I even tried hugging a tree but most were too big!

Even 2 of me couldn't manage this one!!

The car came back filthy from the gravel track dust. So it needed a quick spray before we set out moth traps for the big Bioblitz being held at WWT Caerlaverock.
Tomorrow's post will be a report from the event. Let's hope the bad weather holds off.


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