Day 15 - 30 Days Wild project

A quiet calm day, no harsh sunshine but no strong wind. A perfect day for working in the garden.

I decided to move some of our bird feeder supports, clean the feeders and refill them.

Val used some of the juices from yesterday's meat joint to make our own 'flat fat ball', so this was put out too.

The big stick attached to the support is an experiment. It gives the birds something to sit on while 'queueing' for the feeders.

Then when taking photos the perch is more natural rather than sitting on metal or the feeders themselves!

We will have to see how long it takes for the birds to get used to the changes.

Some sources say that you shouldn't feed birds during the summer, otherwise they will not learn to forage for themselves. However, RSPB advise to feed all year round. We reduce the number of feeders in our garden so that birds will still be attracted to the garden but they then can forage for insects, caterpillars and seeds around our veg plants (as long as they don't eat the new sprouts of my peas !!)


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