May's wildlife sightings from a garden in Annan

This is the monthly maxima of birds seen during May in our garden

Blackbird - 2 male, 1 female and 2 young
Blue tit - 2
Buzzard - 1 flying overhead
Carrion crow - 1
Collared dove - 3
Cormorant - 1 seen flying overhead
Dunnock - 2 adults 1 young
Goldfinch - 2
Great tit - 2 Both adult birds appeared to be feeding young on 17/5/15. Young fledged early on 31/5/15. Not seen since.
House Sparrow - 30+ including at least 2 young. Saw adults taking nesting material into garage roof above great tit nest box. Both pairs of birds wary of each other for a couple of days but then settled into their routines!
Jackdaw - 4
Oystercatcher - 2 seen flying overhead
Rook - 1
Song Thrush - 1
Starling - 30+ including 11 young, seen on our lawn at one time
Swallow - 2 seen entering their usual nesting hole in a building behind our house
Swift - 10 First swifts of the year were seen on 8/5/15
Wood pigeon - 2

Still plenty of Bumble bees around the garden but other smaller bees also seen.
Only 1 Small Tortoiseshell butterfly and 1 female Orange Tip seen this month. Presumably the cold, windy weather that has reappeared this month is responsible!
30+ 7 spot ladybirds seen sitting in plants when gardening.
Moth trapping results have been very poor this month - only 2 moths caught all month! Low night-time temperatures have probably been the cause and it appears to have been the same in many parts of the UK. Many "mothers" have been reporting low catches.


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