Day 25 - 30 Days Wild project

A quiet day. A bit cloudy, with drizzle getting heavier during the day. So not much chance to get a lot done. However, luckily we did have an event to attend during the evening.

We had been invited to Eaglesfield Garden Club to give a talk about moths, moth trapping and some of the names of the moths we've caught in Annan. This is part of the run-up to an event we are helping to run in the village next month.
We are helping to organise a Community Moth Trapping event where we get locals to volunteer to have a trap in their garden. Then next morning experts in identifying moths will gather to empty the traps, record which moths were found where and send the records to the county moth recorder.

Members of the group were very interested in the subject matter and seemed eager to have traps in their garden to find what they might have lurking in their shrubbery. We then passed around some of the moths we had trapped the day before. Please note we have now released these moths in our garden.


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